
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Last week I got the opportunity to travel through Tennessee. I went around to a lot of different cities that we may be working in over the summer. There is a lot of need in the Appalachia area. Houses are run down, people are out of jobs, children are in need of love, this area really needs some fresh hope. They need Jesus. Jesus will refresh us and bring us hope like we have never had before. This summer there is an opportunity that has been placed in front of you to go and bring hope, to go and reveal who Jesus is by your actions, by your words, and by your love. We are called by Christ to be His hands and feet. Will you go and be the hands and feet of Christ this summer?



Want to take your youth group to Appalachia? Click here!!

Are you an adult wanting to go make a difference? Click here!!


Summer sign ups are happening, don't miss out on this awesome opportunity!