
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Wow what a week.  I have seen lives changed, callings confirmed and comfort zones stepped out of.  That was just in my little group of 8. I loved how God so quickly connected all of us.  We did everything from clean out a house that the homeless had been squatting in, helping a place called Hunger First with sorting clothes, feeding the hungry, clean up from water damage and so much more, to praying with homeless and drug addicted, to doing crafts at a VBS.  Each night we would come back together from our different ministries and break bread. My favorite thing by far was at the end of a hard days work we would have worship and debrief from the day. To hear everyone especially the young children talk about how they were touched by the work they were doing is amazing.  Well I need to wrap this up, but how amazing is God!!


Christal S.