
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

I have many emotions.  My heart is full, it is broken, I am happy, I am sad, I am thankful, I am humbled, I am inspired, encouraged, and I am blessed.  I had been praying for a mission trip opportunity for a while. When our group leader contacted us to say that two backed out and asked if my dad and I would be interested, I just knew.  I didn’t know a lot of information or what to expect, but I was ready. Although it may have been different than what I had in my head, it was exactly what was needed. I got to do mission work in the nursing home for most of the week and that was so special.  I have always had a heart for the people there- you can learn so much from them. They are so important and are overlooked too often. Listening to most of them tell of Jesus and knowing that they did live their life for Him just filled my heart with joy. I am broken hearted for those without homes, families, and most of all, those without Jesus.  I’m pretty shy and sometimes get very anxious around people and coming out of my comfort zone. During the ATL it really helped me. We just have to drop our fear and pride. God will give you the strength you need when you are doing His work. I am so thankful for the group worship times we had each night. We were here to help others but I sure got some help myself from these sweet times.  The unity of the group was precious. Our leaders were so encouraging and I’m very thankful for all that they did. My heart is forever changed.


Eva Grace H