
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

I can hardly believe that we are already on our third week of mission work in Appalachia! On one hand it feels as though my team this week only just got here and on the other it feels as though we have known each other for ages. As an employee of the short term missions department of Adventures, I suppose in a sense I have known them for quite awhile as I have been there through their journey of first applying for the trip, through their preparation and excitement, to being blessed with the opportunity to be their trip leader this week.

It has been so exciting to see my heart for short term missions to be carried out through these beautiful families this week. My heart to see the hungry fed and the lonely loved. My heart for fresh air and encouragement to be brought to those working as long term missionaries and volunteers, to enable them to better serve the people they have invested their life in. And to see the hearts of everyone of my participants be changed, stretched and grown. 

Day Camp for local children.

Fixing the ceiling of a Christian youth center.

Hunger First – free food and clothes to anyone in need!

Cleaning up the property of a local lady in need.