
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Well what can I say about this past week other than it was such a refreshing feeling to have a group of believers ready to serve and love on the people of a community that really needs it. Our groups that came this week were from California and Idaho, even though they were from all the way in the west of the United States and had a different lifestyle and culture they joined us in the mission field to build relationships with some children and their families and clean up the area a little bit. It is crazy to me how at times in our lives we can think that we are not making a difference at all, but then that one child or teenager or even adult looks at you or writes you a simple note and you find out you made more of an impact than you could even imagine. I know that God has me here for a purpose along with the team  He has placed me with and the people that are coming to work with the town of Sneedville, TN and I honestly cannot wait to see what happens throughout the rest of the summer along with just keeping up with all of these groups and seeing what God is doing in their lives as the go back home and love on their own community and families. The devil and his army are surely not happy with this journey that we are going on but God and the love that He has for His children far exceeds any fear or hold that the Satan could even think that he has on us. Our God is an awesome God and He is most definitely being glorified and working in the lives of so many. God Bless and until next time have as super awesome week and be listening out for what God has in store for you.