
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

From David Jacobson

 With the long car ride over, we all crashed at the home of Adam Hooper, the youth pastor of Gateway Church, which is the church we are working through. Following breakfast we heard from Donnie (AIM Staff) who spoke to us about his personal testimony and his walk with God. With that we all went out to the town in our groups and spread the word around the neighborhood about our sports camp as well as the Gospel with the people. 
My group was blessed with a man who had a heavy burden on his heart of a problem with his marriage that he felt led to ask us to pray about. We also met some people who were unsure about where they would go when they died. My group help explain what they needed to fully know they are going to heaven and although they did not do anything there and then we planted a seed and we hope for the best. Lunch was next, then off to do yard work for a woman named Helen. It was a long ride up but it was worth it to help this lady with her home. We picked up trash, mowed the lawn, and weed-wacked her yard and it was very much appreciated. It has been a good day one. We did our first work in the ministry field as well as physical labor and began the work that God has planned for us.

3 responses to “Update from Heritage Academy students!”

  1. Praying for you all that the Lord may use you in the “planting and watering” as He leads. Strength for the days ahead and much blessing. Keep up the good work for His glory!

  2. Can you guys describe the community your in? small town? in the country? in the mountains or is it flat? hot? what’s the church like? Praying for a great week!

  3. Our hearts are with you every day. Your reports help us to feel a part of the action. Thanks so much for giving us frequent snapshots of what God is doing in and through you this week. A dear friend of mine sometimes reminds me that she’s praying for me and then says “Can you FEEL the prayer?” We’ll continue to participate on this end by lifting you up faithfully in prayer. May you fully sense God’s constant presence this week!