
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Dearest Parents,
It has been so amazing here in Tennessee with your fabulous children and the Lord has been so faithful to show Himself to us!  We leaders have been continually talking about how impressed we are with our students.  They have been willing to go where the Lord leads and have been obediently listening to His voice.  Many of them will come home with stories of sharing the Gospel and performing acts of service to families in need.  Some have also had the opportunity to share their testimonies in a nursing home.  Each one has been more than willing to step in when asked to do a task and they have had a wonderful time debriefing each day about the day’s events.  We have also been blessed with fabulous Adventures in Missions staff members.  Corey and Donnie have really been encouraging us to walk out our personal relationship with Jesus by “being” instead of “doing.”  We are praying that each student grows closer to the Lord during this trip and has a greater understanding of the depth of His love for them.  Corey and Donnie have also been leading us each morning after our quiet time in great discussion about our Scripture reading for the day.  
The week has been going by VERY quickly and we can’t believe that tomorrow is our last full day of ministry in Tennessee already.  We are looking forward to going to the Creation Museum on Friday, especially after Mr. Freeberg pointed out constellations to us last night and got us very excited for the Planetarium there.  We also look forward to visiting the Pacific Garden Mission on Saturday and before you know it we will be back home on Sunday afternoon.
Thank you for lifting us up in prayer while we are here.  We have definitely felt your support and appreciate knowing that you are all supporting us from back home.  We have been very blessed and are excited to share with you all that God has done!
God bless you,
Angie Gatzke