
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

From Bria Lind
We spent the whole morning in the sanctuary singing, praying, and learning how to listen to God and what he is trying to say. While we were singing and doing the ATL (Ask The Lord) many people could feel God’s/ Jesus’ presence as we worshipped him. 
While I was listening for the Lord after I asked him to say something to me, I couldn’t really hear anything and had random thoughts and pictures running through my head. Then I heard what I thought was an owl but was actually a morning dove, because Anna heard it too. I only heard it a little bit but it was beautiful all the same. 
After that I heard in my head and felt in my heart this feeling of cleansing rain washing over us all. Of course, it had been raining outside all morning but this was different. Then we all shared what we had seen/ felt/ or heard. I shared what I heard the Lord say to me but really didn’t know what it meant until we broke into small groups to pray together. By the end of that prayer time, all the girls and women were in tears, but these were tears of love and joy and peace. My earlier feeling of cleansing rain was the cleansing tears we cried.