
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

From Ann Benicke
This morning after breakfast, we sat in the sanctuary, and heard a teaching on how to listen to God when you are praying. We learned how to control our thoughts, discern God’s voice from our flesh or the devil, and how to make sure our thoughts are from God. 
After the lesson, we scattered around the room and Asked the Lord (or ATL), trying to hear God’s voice and what He wanted to teach us. After 5 minutes or so, we all got together again and shared what the Lord showed us either with words, scripture references, images and even His voice. We heard and saw many things such as seeing God sitting next to us or seeing a can of corn being poured out on a table and the Lord saying “Release”! We tested each of them and sought out what God was trying to tell us. Some shared very powerful things that brought tears of brokenness and healing. Many tears later, the girls broke off into small groups to pray for each other (and cry some more!) and the boys broke off into their own groups. 
It was very powerful to know that the whole time, God was truly with us in that sanctuary. We felt His presence, and we felt His arms around us. We will come home different people. God has taught us so much during this trip. We are so excited to see what else God has planned as we go reach the people of Tennessee! 
Thanks for all your love and prayers; see you soon!