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Appalachia-in the beautiful backwoods lies a unique culture of hopeless people.


I just got back from my first trip to Appalachia. When I first heard I was going to Appalachia I was not very excited. I thought it was going to be a “red neck” very closed community of rough people. As we got into town our truck broke down. We were stuck out in the middle of no where, smoke coming out of the hood of the truck parked in front of a fire station. After a few minuets of sitting there trying to figure out what to do a fire truck rolled back into the station. One of the fire men came over to see what was going on. We informed him that we were from Georgia and there setting up missions trips for this summer. They kindly checked out the car informing us it was probably the water pump and that we would need to be towed. They then invited into the fire house telling us to make our selves at home, feed us, and hung out with us until the tow truck come and got us.We got our truck fixed that afternoon and were able to continue on our adventure.


We met so many people during our time there and I feel so blessed to have meet each and every one of them. Hearing the hearts of those in the ministries there got me so excited to send people there. So many passionate people praying for the community to know Jesus as their personal savior. The Lord is really moving. Their are so many people in need in this area. There is much poverty and hopelessness there but at the same time you can feel the Holy Spirit moving in this place.


I am now very excited about the Appalachia trips. I cant wait to go back and be a part of what is happening in the area. I know the Lord has some amazing plans for the people there.

Stay tuned for more stories!! 

One response to “This is real life..”

  1. This is great. Thank you for sharing. That place in the picture looks very pretty. I will look forward to receiving more stories. God bless you richly!