
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

On Monday, we transitioned from ministry to a different ministry.  We traveled to a park in Morriston to have lunch.  On the way, I prayed for an opportunity to bless someone.  After lunch, we took the kids down to the creek to play and pass time.  After about 20-25 minutes we were in a remote corner of the park, and seemingly out of nowhere, Rebecca appeared, looking very stressed and upset.  She explained her mother was in an accident on I-40 near Knoxville, and she didn’t have enough gas to get her there.  We offered to put gas in her car, and followed her to a gas station.  When we filled her tank, she was overjoyed and gave us all hugs.  She asked for money for food and we offered to buy her food to take with her.  In the end, we blessed her and promised we would pray for her and her mother.  We believe this may have been her first full tank of gas in quite some time.  Thank you Lord for hearing/answering my prayer.

–Fred Clark

One response to “Rebecca”

  1. Praise God! This is wonderful! Thank you so much for sharing. God bless you as you continue to serve Him1

    Because of Jesus,