
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Our R.A.G.s Day was amazing.  We all spoke about what we saw or was told by GOD to guide us on our day.  We were led to a school and and many were able to meet many needs there.  During prayer, I saw a woman and baby and a parking lot. 
When we arrived at the Appalachia Outreach center we gathered together in the parking lot to pray.  While we were praying I heard a baby crying.  I looked back and there was a car with a baby in it.  He was 7 months old.  Waiting with his Dad (?) and 4 year old brother.  The little boy told he was waiting for his mom.  I went into the Center and was immediately drawn to a young woman shopping for children’s clothing.  I walked up to her and asked her if that was her baby in the parking lot.  She said, “yes, why.”  I said I had spoken to them and I just wanted to meet her.  And talk with her.  She told me she was so glad to be shopping there. The family had been homeless living in her car.  And last Thursday they got an apartment.  She now had an address and could come to the A.E. Center for help.  I asked if there was anything else she needed and she said a bed for her toddler.  I spoke to the Director.  She did not have or could not find a toddler bed.  She did speak to the young woman and told her where to go to find one at a thrift shop.  I gave the young woman some money to buy the bed.  With tears in her eyes she said, “are you sure?” I said, “Yes I am absolutely sure.  God told me to do this!” She hugged me and thanked me.  I was very pleased to serve the Lord and obey him.  Praise you Jesus!