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A day in a Life of  Random Acts of Kindess:

R A.K :  Before I get started I just want to let you know this whole morning was out of my comfort zone. 

o   All groups were encouraged to take out left over food, to possibly hand out to others.
o   Prayer the night before: As adults we try to bring “logic” into what we are thinking and seeing.However, our Project Leader did not want to dismiss anything we were seeing.  I was then prompted to pray that I would not dismiss what the younger girls were seeing
o   List:  We had about 10 -12 thoughts listed, but here are some I’d like to mention specifically. 
§  Trailers
§  Elderly couple
§  Dogs
§  (5) people/lunches
§  Church
§  McDonalds
§  Up arrow
§  Shack (in detail)
§  (wipes)
o   At one point I even joked we were going to see an older couple at a store with dogs
o   We passed Shack (in detail) feeling dumbfounded
o   We were also able to share with the elderly, even a couple with two small dogs! and woman who was a family of (5) in both physical and spiritual needs.  Hence the (5) lunches and the baby wipes (one grandchild was 2 yrs old)
o  We then saw the McDonalds Sign,and the Up Arrow
o   A man outside working, caught my attention, but I wasn’t sure why. I thought I should talk to him (especially since he was outside and maybe less intimidating), but I couldn’t get up the nerve.   As we enter I hear another employee referring to him as an idiot and my heart sank. 
o   As we were sitting around the table, conversation with a team member led discussion to losing our child-like vision, as we get older and maybe that is why God gives the world children:  so we remember not to forget to see Christ through a child-like vision, with eyes wide open.   We direct our children & ask them to be obedient to us, just like Christ sees all of us as his children and asks us to be obedient to Him.
o   Right after that conversation, I looked up and saw the man again:  walking outside.  I excused myself and said I was going outside to walk the perimeter and pray.  I get outside and the man is gone.  By this time, I just can’t shake why I kept thinking of him and I prayed that God would show me what I needed to do, as I was still feeling very unsettled. 
o   I started heading back in and a female employee must have noticed my facial expression and said “Can I help you with something”.  I asked her about the man working outside, if he was a contractor or and employee.  She stated he was an employee “Why, did you not like the job he did?”  Remember him being called an idiot earlier (I really didn’t care about the job) I said “I love the job he did”.  I preceded to tell her I was drawn to this man when we entered the lot and I wanted to know if there was anything I could pray for him or was he/his family in need of anything.  She responded his family wasn’t in need of anything and he wouldn’t be back until tomorrow, but she had a co-worker who’s family was in real dire need and the daughter was working inside.  I explained we had fruit we would like to offer them and wondered if it would be okay to bring it in.  She said “sure”.  I continued with another “weird” question asking if they would like some simple ham/turkey sandwiches.  She said “You bring it in and I will put it in the break room” with assurance it would be well received.
o   As I brought the food in and handed it to her we chatted for a moment.  Still not being able to shake the image of this man I saw, I brought him up one more time and asked her what his name was (Brad) and once again asked is there something I could pray for him.  She paused and then said ”Yes, he has a drinking problem”  I then told her to please let Brad know we were praying for him and at that point her eyes got a little teary, and I just started crying.  We hugged said goodbyes and started off.  She then came running back out and said the manager wanted her to give us some coupons for free ice cream   (we got a laugh out of that, due to the fact that the team the day before also received free ice cream)
o   As we shared our experience that evening, with the group, a team member pointed out what a wonderful God experience this was for the young girls.  Keep in mind, 5 of the 8 items mentioned on the list earlier were visions from the young girls.  Another group member also pointed out:  Maybe it was not meant to be for me to speak to Brad directly, so we could witness to the woman as well.


   Our God:  Using ordinary people, bringing glory to His name.
