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Thoughts & Inspiration

Lauren Hamilton- At Oasis, the coffee shop for the homeless, we had the opportunity to talk and play with a couple of young people.  Jason was a six year old who said he didn’t have a mom anymore because she did drugs and drank beer.  After talking to his father I found out he didn’t want Jason to be around her, but always told him about her.  He was a funny kid who told a lot of stories, life how he was a gang member.  I could tell the worst thing in the worked for him was when I stopped giving him full attention.

Elizabeth Gribble-  At Oasis there was a younger boy named Jason.  Jason comes from a very unstable home and has not seen his mom in a very long time.  Lauren and I talked with him for a while.  He said he has diabetes.  He’s only 6 years old.  We talked longer, and I enjoyed learning about him.   The trouble in his life showed.  I pray and wish the best for Jason, his dad, his mom and grandma and that in time they will find the Lord.

Matt Jackson- Nadine and the Oasis coffee ministry was a wonderful ministry that was touching the lives of the needy.  I really enjoyed spending time with our group and our ministry partners. It became clear that we were not just here to minister to others but also to each other.

One response to “Oasis team reports”

  1. How cool is this?! Thank you very much. I, too, will be praying for Jason and his family. I will also continue to pray for you as you minister to these precious people. God bless you all.

    Because of Jesus,