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Well I really don’t know how to start but first I would like to say for anyone who has never been on a mission trip it is a great thing just to be with your church and to learn so much more about God and this is only my second day here and I’m having a blast. The first day I decided I’m not going to sleep so i was so tired when we left at about 5:30 and I really did not want to sleep just because  it a beautiful drive and i really did not want to miss anything but when we got here I thought to my self it’s going to be like first grade again and I’m not going to have any friends but we got here and the people that were already here were so nice i couldn’t believe it it was awesome i loved it and i met so any great people and right now our team is working at a lady named Helens house and it’s great i love it and we just all have so much fun and we worship all the time like when we’re in the van on the way to Helen we sing and it even started raining yesterday and when it got bad we even sang songs i really think God has touched us alot and it awesome and last night a boy named Wes came up and in front of everyone and told us something tragic that happened and everyone started just coming up and telling stories and we all just opened up and it was great to see that in everyone but like I said if you have never been to a missions trip you should try, it’s a great experience.