
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Getting ready to start day 2 of work and the kids are very excited…tired…but excited.  Some of them get to go work with the local Boys and Girls Club, some will be working hard scraping and painting a local home for a lady they call “Granny Cooper” and others with be going door to door in the local government housing area.  Yesterday was quite an interesting day! 

My group worked with a local ministry called “Stepping Out” and they provided assistance to the local government housing areas.  Chelsea, Austin and myself were in a group going door-to-door promoting a block party that they are having Thursday night.  We approached a lady sitting on her front porch and I asked her how she was doing.  She said she was okay and I asked her if she had every heard of Stepping Out.  She said “Oh yeah…I’ve heard of them!”  I took that as a hint that maybe they had helped her before but she quickly corrected me and said they had never done anything for her…and she used some profanity I might add…so I apologized on behalf of the organization and asked if there was anything we could do for her.  She said no but started talking to us about her health.  By the end of the conversation, we were praying with her and she wanted to make sure that we went next door to talk to her daughter!  Later, we met up with another group of 3 from our church and Haley said, “that old lady over there sitting on her front porch is soooo nice!”  They had approached her not realizing we already had…

It was such an awesome feeling to know that God’s love had spoken through us to soften her heart to the others that would come her way that day!

Please keep Kayla in your prayers…she sprained her ankle last night and we spent a few hours in the ER…it is a pretty bad sprain and we are just praying that she will not be in pain today and that she will still be able to have fun in the activities that are planned for us today!

Thank you for all of your prayers!