
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

This morning, I grouped up with 3 other people and went door to door telling people about the block party Stepping Out ministries is having and to ask if they need prayer.  Most people did not answer their doors, so not much happened.

After lunch, my team went back to the neighborhood we were at this morning and decided to do a prayer walk.  We stopped and talked  to a woman named Barbie, who wanted prayer for her son, Tyler, who just got married.  So we laid hands on her and prayed.

Then, we walked up the street and prayed that God would tell us who we should pray for and Laurel felt that we needed to go back on that street again, so we stopped, turned around and went back. 

We stopped and talked to a woman named Jenny.  When we asked her if she needed prayer for anything, she said she had just gotten back from the hospital this morning .  The doctors said she had a tumor but it was too soon to tell if it was cancerous or not.  We all individually laid our hands on her and prayed.

She started to cry.  She was so blessed and it was one of the best experiences of my life.  Just think that if we had not turned around, Jenny probably never would have known that there is hope in God.

Sam said that if she needed any help or just for us to pray for her again to call Stepping Out Ministries and ask for us and we would be back to pray.

“I’ll call,” she said, tears running down her face.  “I’ll call.”