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Matt Jackson, Nadine of Oasis, and Bill Daily

Wed. Mar. 21, 2012
ATT: AIM: Adventures In Missions
Good Morning AIM team.  This is the mission God had called you to:
Destination: Oasis Coffee Ministry in Morristown, TN.
Target: Disciple: “Nadine”, the owner and leader of Oasis Cafe. Nadine is a strong Christian woman who opens the doors of her café to any and all “neighbors”, and makes them feel welcomed.  Nadine’s “neighbors” include the homeless, jobless, the sick, the poor the addicted, the mentally ill, the ex-prisoner and any who are searching…. Searching for a warm inviting shelter with good hot coffee, pastries, refreshments, and living water.  The Oasis café has 2 specialties on the menu.  Hope, Faith, and Love.
Nadine provides  Hope that tomorrow will be better and today is a gift.  Nadine has a deep FAITH in the Lord Jesus Christ and she offers daily prayers to her large flock.  Church service is available every Saturday night.  Many a neighbor has found salvation in Christ, through Nadine and her ministry.
But the greatest thing on the Oasis Café Menu is LOVE.  The love Nadine shows all her neighbors, regardless of their happenstance is evident in a radiant glow about her.  Many of her customers, or neighbors affectionately call her “Mom”.  Her love of Christ is evident in how she witnesses for Christ and operates her ministry.
Your mission that God has called you to, is to assist Nadine in her ministry: to reach out to her neighbors andshow the love andlight of Christ.  You will learn from this woman and her neighbors and you will SAVE THE WORLD! You will bring salvation by spreading the good news: That God so loved the world, He gave His only begotten son, that whoever believes in him, shall not perish, but have everlasting life” John 3:16
This message will NOT self destruct.  It will be spread to all corners of the earth.

One response to “Mission Possible”

  1. This is great! I hope you will share reports of this outreach with us. The name of the coffee shop is neat. 😀 God bless you all as you continue to serve Him. To God be all the glory!

    Because of Jesus,