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When was the last time you saw Jesus working- at Lowe’s?!? I got a chance to see Him at His finest when I walked into the well-known home improvement store, asking God to stretch a four-hundred-dollar budget into a $900 blessing. Pat, my co-leader, and I were still praying for favor as we walked into the store; and I added, “Please let some good Christian person come along and give us exactly what we need- and a little left over wouldn’t hurt!” And then I proceeded to stand in the lumber area and wait.

We needed lumber to build a wheelchair ramp for 94-year-old Bonnie, a sweet spitfire of a little ole lady who hadn’t been outside her home in months; a wall and closet for Eddie, an awesome guy with spondo– I’m not even going to try to spell that disease; and replacing a moldy ceiling for Zelma, another fiesty little lady who was sleeping in her attic. A lot to get done on a four day trip, right?  But with God….

Anyhoo, the first Lowe’s guy walked up, but I knew he wasn’t the one; so when he asked if I needed help, I said, “No, thanks.” I stood there a little while before a guy came up the aisle, not even looking in my direction, and I said something to the tune of “Hey- I’m a missionary- are you a Christian?” Well, of course, the question threw him a bit and his response was a quizzical, “Uh- I think so?” And then the mission was on. I told him about Bonnie and Eddie and Zelma and their illnesses and their homes and their needs and he was all in, nodding and smiling and saying how great it all sounded- until I told him it needed to be done for $400.00.

I’m one of those types that believe if I ask in Jesus’ name it will be given, so when he said, “Whoa, it’ll take three times that amount,” I didn’t blink an eye when I said- “You’re a Christian- you can make it happen!”

And boy, did he! By the time he finished typing frantically at the computer, calling the manager and telling him all about our three elderly friends and that I was standing right there in the store, not budging, the manager said, “Hey, we can give them the discounted lumber in the back for 50% off.” So I started praising God for “GOOD, STURDY LUMBER” and while James (that was the unsuspecting Christian Lowe’s worker who got used by Jesus that day) was typing away, the manager made his way out. He walked over to the desk and, while looking at some paper in his hand, asked how I was and I said “Blessed.”  With a quick look up, he asked James, “Is this the missionary? What?  Did I say 50%? Let’s make it 60%!” We ended up getting everything we needed and had 90 bucks left over to boot!

I don’t know about you, but I’m convinced- Jesus works at Lowe’s! 🙂



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