
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Casey and I are about to end our third week of ministry coordinating in the Appalachian region of Tennessee.  We were able to shadow our first and second weeks with previous leaders and the Appalachian area coordinator.  Our second week had us working for a team of adults and families from all over the US in around the town of Rogersville, TN.  I know my lack of writing skills never do the experience justice, but I have to say last week rivaled any week that Casey and I had on the World Race.  We had the opportunity to work with an amazing body of people from so many different walks of life and to see them come together as one community and truly seek out the Lord’s calling.  We saw the Lord do so many amazing things and I am so blessed to have been able to be a part of it. 

Our team participated in construction projects such as replacing shingles on a roof and fixing hail damage on an aluminum roof.  Through those experiences the Lord provided a window into the lives of a couple families, allowing us to build relationships and be a part of the families who needed love more than they needed a fixed roof.

 We were given the opportunity to partner with a local church and help with a weekly dinner that they run.  We had the opportunity through that dinner to meet a couple who are currently living in a home that has fallen into disarray.   The husband has never been a believer and his wife grew up knowing about the church, but not really knowing about the Love and grace that Christ sacrificed himself for.  Our team was touched by their story so much that we are trying to find ways to clean up their home which has pets that the two of them can no longer take care of and has fallen into disrepair.  We are trying to find good homes for all the pets and see what we can do to clean up and repair their house.  The wife has such a heart for her “babiesâ€� who are all strays that she has come across, she said of them “I know what it’s like to not be wanted,â€�  so she has opened her home to all these lost animals so that she can show them love.  We are hoping that we will be able to show her that she has always been wanted and that she matters and is loved unconditionally.

We also had the chance to meet a couple at the dinner who are both vision impaired.  I have to tell you Mark and Debbie are two of the sweetest people I have ever met in my entire life.  You can’t not be touched by their graciousness and outward pouring of love for everyone they meet.  They have a love and faith in Christ that is immeasurable and truly have been a blessing on our team’s lives to meet and spend time with.  They both live in a small apartment and can always use help with odd jobs around their place and with running errands.  Our teams have been blessed with the chance of being a part of their daily lives.  We thought we would be an encouragement to them, but it has been quite the opposite, without a doubt they have encouraged each and every one of us who have come in contact with them.  We have been able to continue bringing teams to them into our third week and will keep bringing them as long as they’ll have us!

So much has happened that again, even if I were skilled literary master I couldn’t put it all down.  Our main goal is to help our teams get to a place where they are intentionally listening for the Lord each and every day.  We know the Holy Spirit is actively moving and working through our lives and we hope to help people realize that it’s as easy as just slowing down long enough to hear what He has for you.  We also hope that we can help our teams realize the importance of just being with the Lord.  A missions trip is not a doing, it never has been.  If a team goes home and all they can talk about is what they did on their trip and know nothing of what it is just to be in the Lord’s presence that they will have missed one of the most important factors of what it is to know Christ and serve Him.  I know for me, this has been a journey that I am still very much on and I know Christ will continue to walk me through it.  I like being busy, I like to do stuff.  I don’t like sitting still and just listening to the Lord, at least that’ s how I used to be.  I’m starting to see how amazing it is when you just let the Lord take control and go along for the ride.  It’s such a beautiful and powerful thing to know that you don’t have control but He does.  It’s the most freeing experience anyone will ever have.

Well That’s it for now, I’ll try and get at least one blog up per week, though I know I’m behind J  If my lovely wife would put some up that would be helpful, so feel free to poke and prod her about blogging if you have her email or phone number.  She’s so much better with expressing what God has put on her heart than I am. 


One response to ““I know what it’s like to not be wanted””

  1. You did a fine job. Thanks for sharing. Praise God for
    what He is doing through your ministry. God bless you all!