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After we picked up Noah and his dog Jack, we started back towards the ranch. On the way home we shared a few things about each other and slowly got to know each other better. Once we arrived at the ranch, Noah wanted to take his dog down to the lake so I offered to walk with him. I learned that he went to college for 6 years and studied biology. After his dog Jack played in the water, we walked back to the ranch and hung out with the rest of the group outside on the front stairs. Everyone was very welcoming. Eventually we went inside for dinner. Noah sat down with people from our group and everyone started to chat with him. After dinner was over, we prayed over Noah and asked God to bless him and get him home safely. 
After Noah and I left for Knoxville, he shared with me how much our group had touched him. I could tell he was moved because his voice would quiver and he would turn away to face the passenger window. He also shared with me that he began praying to God the past couple of days (even though he wasn't Christian or a believer). He said things had gotten very hard and he couldn't do things on his own. He asked God for help to get him back to Cincinnati, OH. We were the answer to his prayer. As we talked more I asked him if he had ever heard the biblical story of Paul on the road to Damascus. He had never heard the story, so I told him the story and pointed out the parallels between his story and the biblical story of Paul. I also began to speak life over him and tell him about his identity in Christ. Once again, I could tell he was moved as he turned away several times to face the passenger window. As we continued to talk and share stories, he asked me what he needed to do to have Jesus in his life. He reached out for my hand as I was driving down the road. I grabbed his outstretched hand and we began to pray. I walked him through the sinners prayer as he asked Jesus into his heart and into his life. 
As we continued down the road, God laid it on my heart to get him a Bible. I quickly checked my GPS and found a Lifeway Christian Book store right off the highway. We exited the highway and immediately went to find Noah a Bible. He went to the bathroom as I looked over Bibles trying to find the perfect one for him. I also picked out 4 Bible covers ranging from leather to one with a periodic table. When Noah came out of the bathroom, I asked him to select a Bible cover. He didn't hesitate and pointed directly to the periodic table (probably because of his background in science). I paid for everything and then the woman behind the counter asked me if she could pray for anything. I immediately replied "YES!" I told her Noah had just given his life to Christ. She was so excited and ran around the counter and grabbed two of her co-workers to pray with us. Her name was Jan (which is the female version of John according to her). Her two co-workers were Matthew and Christian. So imagine a picture of Jan (John), Matthew, Christian, Noah, and Paul standing in a circle holding hands in the middle of Lifeway Christian Book Store. I laughed at God's humor and thanked God for allowing me to be a part of this story.

As one of the guys began to pray, he starting speaking life over Noah and reminded Noah who he was in Christ (his identity). After we finished praying, we asked Jan if there were any affordable hotels in the area that would allow dogs. She told us about this one hotel and picked up the phone to call them. She verified that they accepted dogs, she made sure a room was available, and checked the price. After she got off the phone she told us where to find this hotel. It just so happened to be right off interstate 75, which is exactly where Noah had told me he wanted to be (in a best case scenario). After he was checked into the hotel, I walked him to his room to help carry his bags. He thanked me repeatedly and couldn't believe how God had answered his prayer that day. 

One response to “Hitchhiking – Noah’s Story (part 2)”

  1. Wow! PRAISE GOD! This is a wonderful story. Thank you so much for sharing it. I will continue to pray for Noah and all of you! God bless you richly!