
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Deuteronomy 31:6 says, "Be strong and Courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you, He will never leave you nor forsake you.".

As our team ventured from the Quad Cities (Illinois/Iowa) to Morristown TN the only thing we really knew was that our leader had been feeling a call in to the Appalachian region since childhood and she felt God was calling her to tell a woman that it was going to be OK. The team was prepared to be stretched and through a lot of prayer discern God's direction on this trip.

As we travel in our packed down, loaded to the brim van we realize that we have taken much more than we have given. Yes… we are all exhausted, and yes we worked very hard, but through this trip God has given us a vision of how we can increase ministry in our own community. Some of our team was frustrated about changes and wished we could have done even more for Morristown, but all in all God's plan was fulfilled. We learned new ideas for ministries we can use at home and our leader did meet the woman she was sent to comfort ( a German woman had moved to TN from Illinois and was now living in a mobile home in the hills. She needed a great deal of yard work done which we provided for her as well.)

Thank you for this experience. We will always remember the experience we had listening to God in the hills of Appelachia. In June of 2013.

Blessings, The Memorial Christian Church mission team Moline, IL

Kim, Patty, Russ, Maddy, Angie, Jerry, Megan, Ellie, and Marsha