
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

For a week 55 adults descended upon Duffield, VA and Kingsport, TN. They came in with many expectations and walked away having learned that Gods plans require a release of control and dropping of expectations and when this happens they gain freedom and are able to stand tall in who God created them to be.

With a flexible schedule, each day required saying yes to what God wanted them to do, and when they did God showed up!

(A group doing VBS at Providence church)          

 They did every thing from paint, visit nursing homes, go to the Boys and Girls club, put on a VBS and build a stage and much more. So many stories came out of each day, many starting with, I did not think I was good/able/or skilled at….. and ending with but I loved it!

(painting a shed at Providence Church)

One story goes as such, I did not think I could interact with the young kids at the boys and girls club, but once we got in there and started playing with the kids I realized how starved for attention they were and that by simply playing a game and talking with them I was able to give them love. To show them they were worthy of attention and I was able to give them the attention and love, because God give me his love. 


Even worship was a growth point for the three groups, coming from different church backgrounds.


On Wednesday freedom broke out during our evening worship time. Chains were released and walls torn down. People stepped into freedom and experienced a new kind of worship, which was just a step in the process of a life transformation that took place this week.



(Worship on Wednesday night) 

This group of adults were challenged personally during ministry time, and walked out of bonds that once held them during debriefs and then praised their God in new ways each evening. They were blessings to each other and the communities they ministered to in mighty ways, never to be the same, because God will honor their love poured out and pour more love on them.



One response to “Freedom Found in the Uncomfortable Places”

  1. Praise God! Thank you so much for sharing this encouraging, fruit-filled report. God continue to bless you all as you serve Him.