
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

So I am sure that you all have heard of love at first site well to be honest I had know idea that God would have put such a super awesome group of teenagers and adults with us for the first week of this ministry. I mean I should have because they are from North Carolina and that just says it all. But anyways just to let everybody know the Lord has done some awesome and mighty things in the community of Sneedville and also in the lives of some teenagers individual and as a group. I watched them invest their time into the lives of small children during a sports and adventure camp along with a service project which influenced to take time to do even the smallest things for the people in this community and even to take that home with them and use it for the people from their own area in NC. Five children got saved this week along with their parents becoming more comfortable with this whole mission experience. Although we have a great first week and are getting rested up now I have to mention that because of all the great work being done the enemy has tried to attack and destroy what has been done. Spiritual warfare has been amongst us and as we continue the journey putting the love of Jesus in the hearts of these people the enemy will continue to attack us and those with us. I ask that all who know of this and are reading to please be praying for our team and for the teenagers and adults that are taking their time to come and serve with us here in Sneedville, TN. I hope all is well for all that are reading and of course anybody who is not and I cannot again wait to see what the Lord has in store for the rest of this summer and even after all of this has happened and we go back to our everyday lives back home or at school. Thank you for reading and God Bless.