
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

We in the United States thing we have it all figured out.  We think we are the innovaters when it comes to all things freedom.  Our country is based on freedom; freedom of speech, freedom of expression, freedom of religion, etc.  As much as we like to believe we’re got the ball rolling on this one, nothing could be further from the truth.  When Jesus died for us on the cross, that was the time the world came to know the only true freedom, freedom through salvation.  Over time we have lost sight of what that freedom truly is and what it means.  We have forgotten that our God has given us freedom each and every day to realize how special we are as creations made in his image.  The implications of that are mindboggling.  The implication is that a finite being is made to reflect the very image of an infinite omnipotent being.  The sky is the limit folks and there should be no turning back at this point.  Now as we know with that freedom there is a great deal of responsibility that our Maker has bestowed upon us.  We a have very clearly written outline in the Word that has been given to us and we are expected to live out that Word through our daily lives.  We have the Law and are expected to honor the Law, Christ outlined this clearly for each and every one of us in Matthew 5:17-20.

                So where have we gone wrong?  Where did freedom and the law become such as hodge podge of dissent and confusion among the church?  As far as I’m concerned the devil has no greater weapon against us then constantly creating division among the church.  The devil lives by motto of divide and conquer and we often just allow ourselves to fall into his trap day in and day out.  We have to find the balance of being guided by the Law as the Lord laid out for us and the grace and forgiveness that Christ has given us because we all stumble we all sin and we are all worthy of the forgiveness that God has freely given us.

                If I’m not careful this blog will be too long and I’ll lose most of you reading it here in a second, so let me try to wrap it up for ya J

                Many of us have forgotten what freedom through salvation really is and what it means.  Often are churches talk about freedom, but that’s often all it is, talk.  Freedom through salvation is being given the opportunity to fall down, to stumble.  It’s being given the opportunity to make mistakes, but then it is also the freedom that comes from forgiveness.  The freedom to know that when we make mistakes we are still accountable for those mistakes, but knowing that we will still be loved and cherished by not just our God, but also by our brothers and sisters in Christ.  The freedom of salvation is the ability to be led by the Spirit each and every day.  That is not always easy, it rarely goes according to our plans and it quite often shatters our plans and destroys our expectations.  But my oh my does God show up when you just give Him the chance.  Now I know God is present regardless of whether or not he’s invited, but He loves it when we open the door for Him and welcome Him in. 

                So my challenge for you is to let the Spirit lead you each and every day.  Take time to quiet yourself and truly seek out His voice because He wants to talk you.  He wants to know how you’re doing and He wants to guide you through every part of your day.

                This is one of those days I feel like I could write an entire novel and I know some of my thoughts are bouncing around, so I apologize for that.  It’s just that I’ve had such a privilege to see God do some extraordinary things over these past few weeks here in Appalachia.  The types of things that only happen when we let go of the control we think we have and let Him take the reins.



One response to “Finding freedom through service”

  1. Yes! Praise God for freedom in Christ Jesus! I really like the very last phrase: “…let go of the control we think we have and let Him take the reins.” That’s not an easy thing to do, but it is not impossible either. Thank you for this reminder!

    God bless you!