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Members of the First Baptist Church of Branford shared space with God’s smallest creatures as they installed insulation underneath a home in Rogersville, TN. The work they accomplished will help keep the family’s pipes from freezing during the winter months.


These wonderful youth had no idea what to expect when they first began to crawl underneath the home of a local woman who was in desperate need for help with pipes that kept freezing up in the colder months. To their surprise, they found hundreds of spiders!! They faced their fears together as they knew the Lord had called them to help this kind woman. The spirit of Christ was evident as they worked as a team to get the job done.




One response to “Facing our Fears with Faith”

  1. WOW! A prime example of “I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13. And they all still look happy. Praise God for these brave folks. 😀