
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

…… Continued from Part I

After getting these things settled we returned to the porch to talk with the guys. I had noticed a picture above his doorway that read, “All things work together for good for those who put their trust in the Lord”. Scooby shared more about his story and his needs.

A few hours had passed since we had pulled alongside the road to see if we could help the “man in a wheelchair”.  In those few hours the man in the wheelchair had become our new friend Scooby.  We no longer doubted that God had led us to this house and to him. We shared with him our certainty of being led to him on that rainy afternoon. He was overwhelmed with gratitude to us and God for all that had been done. He kept repeating over and over that all he wanted was a tomato sandwich!  We told him we would be praying for him and offered to pray with him. He accepted and I did so . . . he wept as did we. We told him we were leaving to go home in a couple of days and didn’t know if we would make it back to see him before leaving.  We took his address down so we could write to him.  The numbers in his address were the four numbers that Ian had been seeing during our listening prayers that week! We said our goodbyes and were on our way. 
Getting in the car it all felt surreal. As we pulled away from Scooby’s house I noticed that in his side yard there was a tall tree with no leaves that could not be cut down.  At it’s base was another tree cut up into pieces.  A couple of blocks away there was a truck with a flat tire in the driveway. We talked with one another about all we had seen and experienced together that afternoon . . . it was a lot to digest.  One thing we all agreed on – listening prayers ARE real – God showed us that loud and clear!  
The following day Scott and Mel returned to Scooby’s house to talk with him about getting him connected with the help he needs. He agreed to let us talk with the pastor of the church in the area. The pastor agreed to get Scooby connected with an agency in the area that would help him get his power back on and get him running water. Scooby had borrowed a phone to call someone at the bank. They were coming by the next morning to help him set up a new account. We took along Scooby’s address and we write him letters. But more importantly we carry the memories of our time spent with our new friend Scooby. He feels we helped change his life for the better through our random act of kindness that afternoon. But the truth is – Scooby changed our lives that afternoon!

2 responses to “Dread Turned Into Blessings (Part II)”

  1. Praise God!!! He is a God who’s got the whole world in His hands. Nothing is too hard for Him. Do you realize that He had all of this figured out even before the creation of the world!? Thanks for sharing your story. We had similar stories from our AIM mission trip to Appalachia in June. I praise God that He cares so much about us to allow us to partake in His divine works! Keep listening!
    In Him,

  2. Yes, Praise God! I was amazed that the four numbers received int the “listening prayer” were the numbers in Scooby’s address. That is so neat. God is so very good. Thank you again for sharing this with us.

    Because of Jesus,