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The monring minsitry team at Oasis was invited to go to the lunch program at Daily Bread.   Here's some things they had to say about this ministry:

David Cheng- It was really cool to see Daily Bread and how they feed so many people actually good food. Talking with and getting to know people’s stories at the Oasis coffee shop was really interesting and an experience.

Buck Roberson- Today at the Daily Bread I encountered two interesting people: Lorenzo and Na’Oka.  Lorenzo is a fellow from Arizona with what sounds like a complicated home life.  He lives with his daughter, her half- sister, her half- sister’s husband and then the four children amongst the three.  Lorenzo works at the chicken plant, where he wraps chickens for a living.  He doesn’t really like his job, and it’s terribly hard and dirty work but it pays the bills.  He’s lasted there longer than most.  It’s really a hard and unpleasant job.  On top of all this, he works nights, from 10:30-7:30am.  Additionally, it’s in a cold freezer.  He used to go to church regularly, but he hasn’t’ in a while.  I’m sure his job keeps him from it most of the time- but seemed exhausted just sitting in the coffee shop.  I’ll  be praying for him – he sounds like he has one of the roughest jobs I’ve ever heard of. 
The woman I met, Na’Oka, lives off of her checks from the government and just stays home with her 10 and 12 year old sons.  I’ve heard of mothers doing this, but to actually meet someone who basically mooches off the government is a bit changing.  I find it hard to demonize such a nice lady.  And in her defense, why change when no one is making you?

Suzie Jones- Hobe Williams, 87 years old, has ministry called Daily Bread.  The love he has for Jesus pours out to many, many people who are in need of a meal.  Hobe is a light in a dark place.  As he told his story and plans for the future it brought tears to my eyes.  This was not on the schedule to go to the Daily Bread but God arranged it.  So thanks God.