
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration


All of our teams arrived safely yesterday from Illinois, Ohio, and even as far as Texas.  We have an amazing group of people on our project and everyone came with willing and ready hearts to reach out to the people of Appalachia.  As we prepared our hearts to serve our focus was on the importance of seeking to be filled up by Christ first, before going out to love on His people.  By being filled by HIS living water we are able to, out of the overflow, share His love with his children, and therefore point the toward a relationship with Him.


The group divided up into teams and headed out to construction to repair a roof and to paint a home. The other teams were able to go to the Rogersville Boys and Girls Club to help out with games and crafts.  This was such an awesome way to open up doors in order to share our God stories and to hear about these sweet children’s lives and the struggles that they face.  It was a blessing to ALL of us to be there!