
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

God showed us his amazing power during our ATL exercise (ATL=Ask the Lord).  We each prayed and asked God to show us what his plan was for us that afternoon.  Two of our team saw the color green, another saw the color red, and someone saw the number 8.  Others saw a mailbox, and felt that the Lord wanted us to go into the woods and climb.  As we left the church property, we had no idea which direction to go, but decided as a group to head south and make a turn onto a road leading out into the country.   After driving for about 10 minutes, we passed a few things that were colored red or green, but nothing really seemed to be what God wanted us to stop for.   We passed a green mobile home, but didn’t feel that the color of the house was reason enough to stop, so we continued.  After driving for a few more miles, we were getting discouraged and decided to turn around.  We passed the green trailer again, and this time noticed a boy in a red shirt standing in the doorway.  We noticed he looked like he was about 8 years old.  We suddenly felt urged to stop and did at the last moment.  We introduced ourselves as missionaries and asked if they needed prayer for anything.  The mom (Norma) said her boy’s father was very sick with Mesothelioma and was in the latter stages of this disease, and was not expected to make it.  The grandmother had lost her house in a fire, and they were all now living in the trailer with three kids.  We were able to pray over the father (Billy) who arrived just as we were about to leave.  We prayed for healing for him.  We invited them to join the church – the Grandmother said wanted to, but she did not have the right clothes to attend church.  We encouraged her to not worry about that, as the Grace Community is a “come as you are” type of church.  We also asked the boy how old he was and were astounded when he held up eight fingers!!!  Beth J.