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Hey there everyone,

We are all so excited to be serving in the mountains of Tennessee with Adventures in Missions (AIM).

Our youth and family groups are greatly serving
the Lord in Rogersville on their short-term mission trips. We have seen many people
here touched by the love of Jesus through the sharing of time, gifts, and

One lady in particular comes to my mind. On Monday, a part
of the youth group went to her house to help her remove a tree from her yard
that had fallen in a recent storm. They worked in 100 degree heat for about
four and a half hours, taking turns in the shade to protect them from the
sweltering temperatures and direct sunlight. Our group did everything from
cutting the tree up to stacking fire wood to removing brush from her yard and
mowing. The lady was so very appreciative of just our presence there and the
willingness of every member of our team to serve and help in whatever way they
could. She was beside herself and overwhelmed in a good way that there are
still youth who believe in helping people. Several of the kids told her we were
there to show her God’s love and thanked her for letting us come and minister
to her. When we were getting ready to head home after the project was over,
they prayed with her. In those moments of prayer, it really hit home for the
kids how much prayer can really mean. We spent those four hours meeting her
physical needs and it opened the door for them to minister to her spiritual and
emotional needs as well. Even though these kids are on a short-term mission trip,
the lady they helped will never forget the day that they stepped up to help
when no one else would. 


All of our groups are excited to be reaching out to people
in new ways, whether it be in door to door ministry, serving those in this
community who serve year round, or taking time with the kids at the local Boy’s
and Girl’s Club. God is truly moving, not only in the hearts of the people we
meet, but also on the hearts of those serving. It is good to remember that we
are all in need of God’s love and his healing touch.

One response to “Appalachia Mountains…Tennessee Home”

  1. Praise God for His work in and through you! Thank you for sharing what God is doing and for sharing the photos. They are great!

    God bless you, give you wisdom, keep you safe and keep you healthy spiritually, physically, socially, emotionally and mentally.

    Because of Jesus,