
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Today we were blessed to serve on three mission sites! Hope Haven men’s shelter, Providence Church day camp, and sweet Mable’s home! It was an amazing day! 

At the men’s shelter, working on the projects was just a small part of what we did. We were able to fellowship with some of the men that were living at the shelter. Being able to share the Good news of Jesus. 

At the day camp, we were met by 14 happy children ready to start their day! The day was filled with crafts and bible studies, games, and worship!!! 

Some of us were able to be blessed by a beautiful old lady names Mrs Mable. We cleaned gutters, prayed together, cleaned out her basement,  and made an amazing new friend!  The day could not have been any better. 

Later that day, we were able to do a prayer walk through some of the neighborhoods. Praying for some who were sick, some lonely and some that just wanted to be prayed for! 

Our hearts were full!!