“Miss” Gracie – what can I say? She’s a blessing to me. While on a missions trip you always ask, what is my purpose here? I was thinking my usual “middle of the road” way of thinking. It didn’t matter to me where I served for the day . . . just wherever a gap needed to be filled, no passion one way or the other . . . just filling gaps. I was, however, trying to keep an open mind to go wherever God would lead and was still clueless as to where that would be. I heard Josh mentioning yard work – okay, I like doing that, but, when I heard it was for a woman with Alzheimer’s, I knew that was my place . . . God’s place for me that day.
I knew she would not be comfortable with people in her yard, people not in her usual daily routine. I started out weeding around her flowers as the guys “trimmed” her bushes so she could view the cars going by from her front porch. The goal was to open up her view in hopes that she would wander less out past the hedges to see. My weeding project was short-lived. Miss Gracie was becoming more and more anxious about the cutting and trimming going on. I asked her to show me her bathroom, then for a drink of water, then just spent the day talking and reciting Bible verses together (something she does remember – Praise God!) & singing! Singing with Gracie – Amazing Grace and Jesus Loves Me, while looking at old pictures in her Bible, and praying with her while the men accomplished their work in the yard. It was SO much more to me than “filling in a gap”.
Please keep Miss Gracie in your prayers. She lives alone & family is not near by. She does receive Meals-on-Wheels on a daily basis, but, craves a person to talk to to.
– Tammy Young
Proverbs 16:1
“People may make plans in their minds, but, only the Lord can make them true . . .”
Praise God for you. This is a wonderful article and great picture. Thank you so much for sharing. I am wondering how best to pray for Miss Gracie and those like her. I did pray for protection, and laborers in her path who might spend time with her. Are you other ways that you pray for her? Please
let me know. Thank you very much.
God bless you richly!
Because of Jesus,
Thank you, Cindy. You were right on with your prayers of protection and people to spend time with her. There are many out there like Miss Gracie. Now that my eyes are opened, I pray for them each day. Love In Christ, Tammy