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I have never had an experience like the one I had with the mission trip to Duffield, VA. This was my first mission trip and I will never forget the power of GOD on this trip. God brought 19 people together like family. We all have problems of some sort in our lives and have a story to tell, but during this week we were able to minister and help others but we were also ministering to each other.

GOD was in the midst of everything we did and said. I have never seen GOD work this way; it was truly a miracle in action. We were bought together from so many areas and walks of life to become so connected to each other. I never want to lose touch with any of my team and I pray that GOD will continue to bless them and keep them safe in His will.

For me this was a healing trip, one that I needed very much. The Spirit of GOD was everywhere and in everything we did, it was truly amazing. It is hard to explain how I feel except to say that I came home filled with the Holy Spirit of GOD and I don’t ever want to feel any other way. I have made friends for life. I can’t wait until the next mission trip.

Every person was an inspiration to each other. I was so proud to be involved with the construction at Doris Burke’s home and to see the happiness on her face was worth it all.

The nursing home visits were so special to see the elderly folks enjoy the attention and love.

Hunger First mission visit was so humbling; it makes you very thankful for your health, homes, and families. We are people that take so much for granted when we should be thanking our LORD above.

This trip really changed my heart and my thinking. I always want a loving heart for GOD and others. I will be forever changed and grateful for the love that my GOD has given me.

Thank you GOD for loving us.

Shela Carpenter

One response to “6/11 Appalachia – Duffield, VA”

  1. Hey Shela,
    I just read this post from your previous trip. Thanks for sharing your heart and for coming back!