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An Adventures Awaits You In Appalachia!
Hope eludes the people of Eastern Tennessee.


Despite vast natural resources, and a beauty beyond measure, Appalachia remains trapped in despair.



Unemployment tracks are higher than the national average, and even more in this area of such natural beauty work in low-paying jobs below their skill level. Outsourcing and mechanization have left many residents jobless, poverty-stricken and lacking in educational resources.


Desperate people work multiple jobs or collect government aid. They sacrifice to make ends meet, yet barely get by. They turn to alcohol and drugs to numb the pain and loneliness.


Appalachia needs you to help restore their promise of a better future.


You will meet the basic physical needs of residents here as your team works with Habitat for Humanity to help repair homes for the poor and needy.


You can bring joy to local kids and share the stories of God’s love and faithfulness through Vacation Bible School programs in community parks. Minister to the hearts of the elderly isolated in nursing homes as you visit with them. You’ll listen to their stories and restore their dignity.


You might also reconnect with God while exploring the beautiful mountains or braving the rapids.  Whatever you choose to do, your heart will be changed.


Desperate for both hope and help, the people of Appalachia need to hear the good news of the Gospel and see the compassion of Jesus brought to life.

Do you want to be the one to share the selfless love of Christ and help the people of this region find true joy and peace?

If so please click here to be taken to the appalachia sign up page! 

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