
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

This week was a little more of a challenge for us as a team. We had some ups and downs and moments were it would have been easy to just give up and not worry any more. But the one of the many awesome things about our God is that He has a purpose for everything He does and everything that He puts in our lives. We were able to learn from our mistakes and the mistakes of others and I would have to say that we all grew closer to God as individuals and as a team. At first I was not sure if our ministry towards the teenagers was actually making it through but gradually we all were able to tell that God had it under control as He always does and made some awesome things happen in the process. This group teenagers continue what was left them and I know that the children and families of this community took something away from this awesome group of young people. I also know that they are going to make a huge difference in the lives of the people in their own home of New Jersey and I cannot wait to hear all about it. God is awesome and continues to teach each of us through this amazng experience that we are blessed to be going through. We hope all is well with all who are keeping up and even those who get bits and pieces of this awesome story here in Sneedville, TN. Thanks for catching up with our team and we cannot wait to tell you more about this experience as the weeks go by for this mission.