
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

From: Jacob Stevens with Immanuel Baptist
We woke up bright and early for breakfast, but it was pouring rain outside.  After breakfast, we took our first trip to the park in Rogerville.  We got there and were quick to learn that no one else was there because of the great amount of rain and after the rain, mud.  This disappointed us, but the fact is that the privacy allowed us to concentrate on praying over the grounds and three days we have ahead.  Without seeing a single soul, we returned to our base of operations, where we went through a small briefing of “Ask the Lord,” or ATL, which is a method of waiting upon the Lord’s answers to receive guidance just like the prophets and other OT characters did.  The man specifically mentioned that the walls of Jericho fell when the Israelites prayed around it.  Our whole group tried it, expecting images or whatnot as the speakers personal experience indicated might happen, and we felt largely that we should return to the park in Rogerville.  Upon our return, we saw a poll-like object which Josh had gotten an image of (though the colors were off), and so went to play games near it hoping for the best.  We found nothing there, but had a fun time.  After a while, we heard that people may have actually started to walk around the park a little bit elsewhere, so we went back to our cars.  All the people we asked or otherwise tried to make contact with (one woman was busy on her cell phone) had some reason or were not interested in playing with us.  There still weren’t many people there.  Overall, it was a disappointing first day, but as Josh said, “Even the walls of Jericho didn’t fall the first time.”  The stories we heard afterwards though were both an encouragement that God would still use us here and a bit of a bummer because we hadn’t been used amazingly and spontaneously the first day, at least to me.